Hand shutting off plumbing valve

Topic of the Month: Shut-off Valves

If the plumbing in your house suddenly springs a major leak, do you know what you would do? Calling us at Benicia Plumbing is a smart move, but it shouldn’t be your initial instinct when your home is flooding. Before you give us a call, you need to shut off your home’s main water valve immediately, but we realize that you can’t do that if you don’t know where it is or how to close it.

It's a Simple 1-Step Process

Every structure connected to a municipal water supply features a main shut-off valve that can stop the flow of water to all of the pipes, fixtures and appliances in your home. In most instances, this valve is located next to the water meter.

Be aware of the fact that the water meter location isn’t always easy to find. Sometimes it is on the side of the house or attached to a short above-ground post, but it is also often hidden underground. If you can’t fine it immediately, look around your home for a small hatch or metal cover, similar to a street manhole cover. If you find one that is marked “water”, open the lid to reveal the water meter that is inside. If you cannot find the water meter, call your local water authority or call us at Benicia Plumbing to ask about its precise location.

Expect the valve to likely be connected to the water line adjacent to your water meter, but be aware that not all valves look the same. Some are ordinary spigot handles like you will find on your garden hose faucet. Others are metal flanges that could look like they are just part of the waterline, so look closely and do not hesitate to ask your water authority for some help.

About Benicia Plumbing

At Benicia Plumbing, we are a solutions-based company, which means that every customer will always receive a comprehensive diagnosis to resolve their plumbing issues promptly and seamlessly. Your Benicia Plumbing technician will always provide you with a complete, detailed estimate before the work begins and guarantee all parts and workmanship for a full year. And finally, if there are any malfunctions within this period of time, Benicia Plumbing will always correct it promptly at no charge and fully comply with local city and state building codes.
