Clearing a Clog

Top 5 Reasons Your Drain Clogs

Clogs are one of the most commonplace plumbing problems around. Slow draining or even a 100% clog can totally ruin your ability to use your plumbing appliances effectively. Luckily, we know that clogs don’t just happen randomly. Rather, they are created from particular behaviors and habits that can be fixed once you know about them. That’s why we wanted to address the top 5 most common ways your drains can clog.


Toilet clogs can be some of the most frustrating types of plumbing problems. It can be embarrassing for some and is something that is a necessity for your home. The most important thing to remember when it comes to your toilet is to only flush waste and toilet paper. Your toilet shouldn’t be used as a trashcan. Even something as seemingly small as floss can get tangled and cause a clog further along your toilet drain.

Additional causes for toilet clogs include using too much toilet paper where it can’t break down effectively or using “flushable” wipes. Unfortunately, these wipes don’t disintegrate in water and will cause clogs.

Sinks and Garbage Disposal

Kitchen sinks are more likely to get clogged than bathroom sinks in our experience. A lot of that comes down to incorrect habits with your garbage disposal. Here is a list of food items that commonly cause clogs when sent down the garbage disposal.

  • Coffee Grounds

  • Celery

  • Fruit and Vegetable Peels

  • Bones

  • Pasta

  • Rice

  • Nuts

  • Oats

  • Egg Shells

  • Paint

  • Grease and Oil


All these items will cause problems and potentially cause a clog if put down the garbage disposal. Some can even burn out the motor in your unit to the point where it will need to be replaced.

Shower and Bathroom Sinks

The last area of your home we’ll tackle is the bathroom, specifically the bathroom sink and shower. The main clog causer here is hair. Even if you don’t shave in the shower, the hair will naturally shed and cause slow draining if not a clog. The sink can cause a similar issue especially for men shaving their face.

The key solution to this is to install a hair catcher on the drain, especially in the shower, and to clean it regularly.

Let’s Recap

So we’ve discussed all of the most common drains in your house and what causes them to clog. For your toilet, we emphasized that you only use it as intended. When folks use their toilet as a trash can the question is when a clog will form not if.

The second rule with your toilet is to avoid “flushable” wipes. We really can’t blame you for thinking these were safe for the toilet because of the misleading name. Unfortunately, just because something can be flushed down the toilet, doesn’t mean it should be.

The third rule focused on the kitchen sink and your garbage disposal. This system is designed to break down food to send down the drain. It’s really convenient, but requires a bit of knowledge to use correctly! Avoid those items and your kitchen drain will thank you.

The fourth common cause is hair. You can’t really eliminate hair from going down your shower or sink drain, but you can mitigate the potential clogs they can cause. It’s really as simple as installing a hair catcher!

Now we promised five common causes, so let’s get to the final one--rust and sediment buildup. Unfortunately, your drains undergo wear and tear constantly. Minerals will buildup and shrink the available space for water to drain. This is why it’s important to get preventative maintenance in the form of a hydrojetting!
If you’re having trouble with consistent clogs, we’d love to help! Just give us a call at (707) 745-2930 or fill out an online contact form to schedule service!